Monday, August 25, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!!

Here are a couple of pics of Piercey Boy after one of his baths last week. Isn't he too sweet with his Pooh Bear towel?

Waggz is doing well in his big brother roll. He loves to join us when we're playing on the floor and since he was being so nice, I decided to take his picture with his little bro.

It's been raining here off and on for the past 3 days. It's great because we desperately need the rain, but not so great because who wants to take a little guy out into the rain? Funny...because that would be me. We made the long, 2 minute trip to the Bleils on Saturday evening for the annual Fantasy Football draft and a little dinner. All three kids were actually awake (and pleasant) at the same time! Pierce was all about hangin' with his girlfriend, Anna (she's 2 weeks younger) & his much older girlfriend, Sarah (she's the ripe old age of 3 1/2). Sarah decided she was not going to open her eyes for the pics...she's too cool for me when I'm taking pics! :)

I think Anna's telling him a secret...or whispering sweet nothings into his ear!

Sorry these pictures won't line up side by side..UGH!

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