Friday, March 6, 2009

Da Beach

Happy Spring-ish everyone! Last week the whole family (that's right, Waggz, too!) went to Miramar Beach, Florida, where we rented a house and hung out on the beach! B was there for class, so we just decided to join him! We had such a great time and it was wonderful watching Pierce experience the sand, the ocean, etc. Just awesome! He really had a great time, as you will see from all the pics I'm posting.

Here is the view from our balcony.

We decided to take some family pics on the beach. We actually got a few good ones....out of the 50 or so that we took!

Here are some that I took of B & sweet they are! (I guess the rest are in the other post...I thought there were more in Da Beach Part I!)

These are pics of the very first time he played in the sand. He just couldn't quite figure out why the sand wouldn't stay in his little hand, but he really liked how squishy it felt on his fingers and toes!
Pierce really liked exploring (and tasting) the sand and crawling as far as his little legs would take him.

And....he's off...
And, again...
And...yet again!

These are some of my favorite pics of our trip~
Piercey just chillin' on the beach...
Crawlin' & droolin' on the balcony...gotta love those teeth that are coming in!
Of course, our trip wouldn't have been complete without a playdate and lunch with Rock! Here are the two coolest little guys around....

Look at all my teeth!!
One day, Pierce was "chasing" one of his toys and it got away from him. Well, what's a little boy to do, but follow it...regardless of where it takes you, right? Needless to say, he made his way under the stool, but couldn't quite make his way back out!

1 comment:

Kennedy Christi Hawkins said...

Love the pics! Pierce is just so dang cute!! You guys have the cutest family!