Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Pierce!

Pierce turned 2 on 1 May! I can't believe how the time has flown by and that our little baby is now a curious, adventurous, kind-hearted and sweet boy. From the first time I laid eyes on you, Pierce, & held you in my arms, you have held my heart. I never knew love like this until you became part of our family. We love you so very much and are so thankful God chose us to be your parents. We couldn't be more proud of you or love you any more than we already do. You're all we ever dreamed of and so much more. Happy birthday, sweet boy~

In keeping with tradition, I'm stealing my friend, Kerry's idea and posting some pics from when Pierce was first born (and we held him for the first time) and his first birthday. I love looking back and reminiscing about those times. I can recall those days just like they were yesterday. I pray that never changes...
And, here's a big 2nd birthday wish to all of Pierce's friends who have birthdays in the month of May. We love & miss you guys!!

Pierce & Poppy on the front porch

The bouncy house in the backyard

This picture cracks me up...the birthday boy waiting for someone...anyone to feed him lunch. Look how nicely he's sitting like the other kids...anyone??!
Here's one side of the room
And, the other side
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Pierce. He thought it was great!!
The birthday hat with a gangsta lean...don't ask. I have no idea.
Talking to Uncle Clev & opening gifts...multi-tasking at its best!
Everyone checkin' out the bouncy house.
Brandon read that you should have a whistle in case anyone disobeys the rules. Yes, he bought one and yes, he wore it. I love this guy!!

Ella chillin' with Gigi

Before church on Sunday morning...& in case you forgot, he's letting you know, he's 2!
4 Generations...

You gotta earn your keep 'round here!
Hangin' with Great-Grandma Gensler
Ahh, yes...the thumb
Do you think these fit?

A few pics before everyone went back to PA...

1 comment:

marlarae said...

Ohhhhh....Ali and Brandon....your children are absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I can tell by the pics that both of you are terrific parents. I wish you lived closer so I could snuggle them and watch them grow. My grandson is already 6 months old and it is going too fast. I don't remember every milestone of my girls (which I swore I would never forget) so it is amazing to re-live it as a grandma. He is teething now and hasn't slept for the last 2 nights...fine during the day and MAD all night. Poor baby. Anyway I just love your blog and come here almost everyday looking for an update. :o) Happy Birthday to Pierce and happy 2months to Ella!! Marla Rae