Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Is Here!!

So, Pierce got to take on the lanes with his class a couple of weeks ago. He was so excited to go bowling and "roll a ball and knock down the pins". B & I snuck in the back of the bowling alley and took some pics. To say he had a blast, is a complete understatement. He enjoyed the bowling aspect, but he really liked trying out all the chairs (he was supposed to be sitting next to the other kids, but would sneak a cheek on the chairs when the teachers weren't looking) and dancing to the music. It was too funny!! The last pic is of Pierce giving one of his teachers, Ms. Kelly a high 5...I love that pic!!

It's crazy to think that our beautiful little girl is 8 months old already. Where DOES the time go? Here are a few of her 7 & 8 month pics that I took. She's so darn cute!

I decided to let Pierce help with the brownies. They turned out just fine, but if you'll notice, they didn't all quite make it into the bowl.

We had a few visitors from Shreveport a couple weeks ago. We were so excited to have the Theis Fam here and the kids played so well together. B pulled Pierce & Jake in the wagon and they loved it!
Nothin' like a little Yo Gabba Gabba! Neither one of them would take their eyes off the
No matter how hard I tried, Wes would NOT smile for me...doesn't matter, though, because he's as cute as he wants to be!! BUT, my sweet girl, Ella was all about smilin' for her Momma!
So, most of you know, we spend quite a bit of time at Vala's Pumpkin Patch. We buy a pass and the kids and I go at least once or twice a week. We just LOVE it there! I have no idea how big it is, other than acres & acres. There's so much to do and Pierce & Ella really do enjoy themselves. Pierce was trying to bounce on the "Jump Pillows", but really just liked being bounced by the other kids! B's trying to show him how to pump the water so his duck will float down to the other end...eventually, he got it!
Pierce is helping B roast some marshmallows for the smores! This was Pierce's first smore...he liked it, but was actually ALL about the Halloween Oreos.
There's even a wheel at Vala's!

We love these things!
Nothin' like feeding some goats. Pierce actually has a few feeding techniques in his repertoire....behind the back, hold the food with just 2 fingers, give the whole hand full, etc.
Pierce is checkin' out the pig races. He cheers for them and it is HILARIOUS!
Sweet Ella Grace chillin' at the pumpkin patch...and tryin' out the hay, literally :)

Pierce doing one of his VERY favorite things...riding a pony! Gotta love how he's so good that he can wave at the camera!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Yea! I'm so glad you have a blog. I'll definitely add it to my list. Love the pictures!